Business Computing student at TU Dublin.

Hi, I'm Jack Sheehy. I'm a hard-working Business Computing student at TU Dublin, based in Wicklow, Ireland.

About Me

Hi, I'm Jack Sheehy. I'm currently a student in TU Dublin studying Business Computing. My passion for technology started at a young age, so it was a natural choice for me to pursue a career in that field as I got older.

In addition to my love of technology, I am also interested in art and design, as well as business and entrepreneurship. I really enjoy learning, regardless of the field, so studying Business & Computer Science has left me eager to purse something meaningful in the industry.

What I'm Learning

As a Business Computing student, I cover a diverse range of topics such as Object-Oriented Programming, Web Development, Algorithms, Data Structures, as well as business. We have a primary focus on Java, though outside of coursework I'm learning other languages and frameworks such as React, Spring Boot, Javascript, Python and more. In the future, I'd like to learn C#.

Java IconJavaScript IconPython IconReact IconSpring IconVim IconGit Icon


LGDA Project
Geo Git

A full-stack web app that ranks the top GitHub users by location, making use of the GitHub API and GitHub Developer Program. Gathers the top users by location based on followers, number of repositories, etc.

LGDA Project
LGDA Platform

A full-stack web platform built for the Local Government Directors Association. Developed the frontend and backend, including user-friendly UI/UX, a scalable database and secure user-authentication. 60+ active paid members.

API Project
Irish Artists API

A REST API providing comprehensive and reliable information on contemporary Irish artists and creatives. This API aims to allow users to access and utilise frequently updated data regarding the world of Irish artists.

JavaSpring BootMavenPostman

Get In Touch

I'm currently a full-time student, but don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question. I’ll do my best to get back to you! :)